Emmi-Nail Manicure/Pedicure Disk Small

SKU: 20380
Incl. 19% VAT
Emmi-Nail Manicure/Pedicure Disk Small
Trong kho
sofort lieferbar
Cutter attachment for manicures and pedicures
Removal of calluses
Diameter: 15mm
Material: stainless steel
more product details

Mô tả

Small cutter attachment against calluses and for working on artificial nails

The Emmi-Nail Manicure Disk Small/Klein makes shortening artificial nails easier. It can also be used for pedicures. With the replaceable disposable blades, you can hygienically remove calluses from your feet. The cutter attachment is shaped so that you can work on the lateral nail fold and areas of the foot more easily and safely. These are available in different grit sizes. This means you have the right sanding sheet to hand for every application. The disk is made of stainless steel and can be disinfected in a flash in our ultrasonic devices.

Cutter attachment for manicures and pedicures
Removal of calluses
Diameter: 15mm
Material: stainless steel

Suitable interchangeable blades for the Manicure Disk Small:

Thêm thông tin

Suitable for / for Advanced, Professional
Kind Pedicure

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