Shipping information

Shipping costs within Germany:
Emmi EMAG AG delivers orders within Germany insured for a flat rate of 3.90 euros (gross) shipping and packaging costs. As part of a special offer, we deliver free of charge to our online customers within Germany from an order value of €50.
81.5% of all online orders placed by 3 p.m. are delivered insured by DHL on the next working day.
97% of all online orders placed by 3 p.m. are delivered insured by DHL on the 2nd working day.
Shipping costs outside Germany:
Emmi EMAG AG delivers orders insured regardless of the order value to
- Austria for 6.90 Euro (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- France for 8.90 euros (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- Portugal for 8.90 euros (incl. VAT, free shipping from €100)
- Croatia for 8,90 Euro (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- Spain for €8.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from €100)
- Hungary for €8.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from €100)
- Poland for €8.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from€100)
- Slovakia for €8.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from€100)
- Romania for €8.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from €100)
- Malta for €8.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from €100)
- Estonia for 8,90 Euro (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- Finland for 8,90 Euro (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- Latvia for 8,90 Euro (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- Lithuania for 8,90 Euro (incl. VAT, free shipping from 100€)
- United Kingdom for €9.90 (incl. VAT, free shipping from €100)
- Liechtenstein for 24,00 Euro (incl. VAT)
- Ukraine for 24,00 Euro (incl. VAT)
- Cyprus for 24,00 Euro (incl. VAT)
- Vatican City for 16.07 euros (plus VAT)
For the following countries, our products can be ordered directly via the online store in the respective country:
- Belgium (order directly at
- Bulgaria (order directly from
- Denmark (order directly from
- Greece (order directly from
- Italy (order directly from
- Ireland (order directly from
- Luxembourg (order directly from
- Netherlands (order directly from
- Norway (order directly from
- Sweden (order directly from
- Slovenia (order directly from
- Czech Republic (order directly from
Deliveries are only possible to delivery addresses in the EU (with the exception of Liechtenstein, Norway, Ukraine and Vatican City).
You can also order directly via the website of your country at
If you cannot find your desired country, simply contact us at [email protected].
emmi EMAG AG delivers orders insured, regardless of the order value, to the following countries:
- Austria for 6.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- France for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Portugal for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Croatia for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Spain for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Hungary for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Poland for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Slovakia for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Romania for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Malta for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Estonia for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Finland for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Latvia for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Lithuania for 8.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- United Kingdom for 9.90 euros (including VAT, free shipping for orders over 100€)
- Liechtenstein for 24.00 euros (including VAT)
- Ukraine for 24.00 euros (including VAT)
- Cyprus for 24.00 euros (including VAT)
- Vatican City for 16.07 euros (plus VAT)
For the following countries, our products can be ordered directly through the online store in each respective country:
- Belgium (order directly at )
- Bulgaria (order directly at
- Denmark (order directly at
- Greece (order directly at )
- Italy (order directly at
- Ireland (order directly at
- Luxembourg (order directly at )
- Netherlands (order directly at
- Norway (order directly at )
- Sweden (order directly at )
- Slovenia (order directly at )
- Czech Republic (order directly at
Deliveries are only possible to delivery addresses within the EU (with the exception of Liechtenstein, Norway, Ukraine, and Vatican City).
If you cannot find your desired country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].