Cuticle removal

We all have cuticles on our hands and feet and usually only notice them when they are irritating or painful. But precisely because they are sensitive and stable at the same time, we should pay special attention to them. In our guide, we take a closer look at the topic of cuticles and nail care.

Why do cuticles form?

To understand why cuticles form, let's take a look at where the fingernail comes from. The new cells for the fingernail are formed starting from the nail tip, the light-colored area in the lower part of the nail. The upper cells of the nail root die off and are pushed upwards bit by bit. The nail plate is pushed forward on the nail bed and the fingernail or toenail grows. The area of the nail moon or "lunula" is very sensitive and must therefore be protected by the cuticle or nail wall .

On the sides of the fingernail, the transition between the nail and the surrounding skin is called the nail fold. The nail fold also protects the nail bed from invading germs and fungi. If injuries occur here, nail fungus or other nail diseases can easily develop.

What are cuticles important for?

The cuticle prevents germs and bacteria from penetrating the nail bed. The skin on the nail is usually removed because it doesn't look nice or is too dry. Cracked and dry cuticles are a particularly annoying issue for men.

However, more and more people want to have well-groomed hands and are finding out how to remove cuticles properly. They can also get in the way when painting nails. When extending nails with gel or acrylic, it can even prevent the nail modeling from adhering properly and cause it to come loose again quickly. This results in so-called lifting.

Sometimes, however, it can also be medically advisable to remove the cuticle. If it grows too deep into the nail bed, adhesions form that prevent the nail from growing. For this treatment, however, you should always consult a dermatologist or beautician.

Cuticle removal

Cuticles grow around every fingernail and of course also on toenails. For some, they are more pronounced on the feet, for others on the hands. Calloused and excess cuticles in particular do not look nice and lead to the question: How can cuticles be removed? There are many options, but not all of them are suitable for home use. Firm cuticles in particular must be removed very carefully, otherwise torn corners and inflammation can quickly occur.

How often should cuticles be removed? Cuticles protect the nail bed and nail plate. If you remove them too often or even too much, they can easily grow back even stronger and thicker than before. Like a tree that sprouts more after each pruning. Overgrown cuticles should be removed regularly by a professional. It is best to make an appointment at a nail salon or beauty salon to be shown exactly what to look out for. After that, it is usually enough to do your nail care once a week at home.

What do I need to look out for when removing cuticles?

1.) The right cutting tool

Please use sharp cuticle nippers so that the skin is not injured and becomes inflamed. Normal nail scissors are too blunt and usually do not have a tip that can reach the nail corners properly.

2.) Cutters only for professionals or with training

At emmi®NAIL you will find professional cutters for everyday studio use. With the right attachments, the excess skin can be easily removed. However, please only use an electric file if you have already completed qualified training. Despite videos and tutorials on the internet, you can severely injure the nail bed with a nail cutter if you have not learned how to use it properly.

3.) Refrain from biting your nails

Chewing is very harmful to nails and skin. It promotes the growth of fungi and can lead to nail diseases. If you can't get rid of it, there are special varnishes in the pharmacy that can reduce nail biting due to their unpleasant taste.

Emmi-Nail cuticle scissors
6,95 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Emmi-Nail nail scissors *studio quality*
14,90 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Stork shears
6,90 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Emmi-Nail stainless steel tweezers
4,90 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Tweezers black - long
3,90 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Pinch Tweezers
5,80 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Emmi-Nail tweezers 3in1
Giá đặc biệt 7,96 € Regular Price 15,95 €
Incl. 19% VAT
Pinch clamp, transparent
Phần trên
3,99 €
Incl. 19% VAT

Instructions for cuticle manicure at home

1.) Soak cuticles

Cuticles are best soaked in lukewarm water. They can be pushed back very easily directly after a warm bath or shower. However, 5 minutes in a water bath is also sufficient. If you are on the go or don't want to use water, use a cuticle remover with a brush. A cuticle remover is a mild alkaline solution that dissolves the keratin in the skin. This makes it softer and easier to push back. The emmi®NAIL cuticle rem over also contains castor oil to protect the skin from drying out. If you are on the go, this also works well with a nail oil.

2.) Push back cuticles

The sensitive skin can now be pushed back very easily. We recommend using the emmi®NAIL rosewood stick to prevent the delicate skin from tearing when pushing back. Simply apply gently from the tip of the nail to the nail bed and press backwards. Repeat on all nails.

3.) Cut off protruding cuticles

If your nails are very stressed, the cuticles may grow excessively. Sometimes it is also frayed due to incorrect nail care and must be carefully cut off. The excess cuticle should actually be removed by a beautician. When the salons are closed, you can also cut the cuticles at home. It is essential to use sharp cuticle nippers or cuticle scissors for this.

With blunt scissors, it can easily happen that the cuticle tears. This is painful and quickly leads to inflammation. Cuticle nippers have a pointed end and can get into the tightest corners of the nail. When cutting, make sure to start directly at the nail bed and only clip off the protruding skin. If you cut off too much or damage the intact skin layer, you risk callus formation and proliferating cuticles.

4.) Cuticle care

Good nail care is particularly important after a manicure. If you do not want to use olive oil or sunflower oil, it is best to use the high-quality nail care products from emmi®NAIL. If you want to apply nail polish after your manicure, it is best to wait until the polish has dried before applying nail care products. Don't skimp on your hands with hand cream either. It also nourishes the skin around the nail bed and ensures soft fingers.

Professional cuticle removal with the cutter

Using a nail cutter is much more difficult than you might think at first. You don't just have to pay attention to the speed and direction of rotation. The pressure on the nail, the correct angle and the right attachment are just as important. Even the slightest mistake can lead to pain and injury for the customer. We therefore recommend that you undergo qualified training before using a nail cutter.

At emmi®NAIL you will find not only the right training but also a large selection of cutters for use in the nail salon. We have models with or without a foot pedal or even with a rechargeable battery so that you can move around more freely. This is particularly useful for manicures in nursing homes or hospitals. In our attachments category, you will find exactly the right bit for every application. We have taken a closer look at some manicure attachments here.

The emmi®NAIL cuticle remover bits Flame fine and Pen fine are made of carbide and are ideal for manicures with the cutter thanks to their grain and shape. They can be sterilized and disinfected in an ultrasonic bath and can be used both wet and dry.

With the "Russian manicure", the visible cuticle is almost completely removed. Due to the high risk of injury, this should only be done by a professional. For this, it is best to use our special Russian manicure bit set with diamond bits and polishing bit.

For heavier calluses, we recommend our diamond bit pen medium or the diamond bit flame medium. The lower grit allows the skin to be removed more quickly. However, this also generates more heat and increases the risk of injury. The Promed Saphir Bit round and the Diamond Bit small pointed cone work wonders on nail thickening and calluses. Thanks to its pointed shape, the pointed cone gets into even the finest corners.

Proper cuticle care

Proper nail care is also very important for beautiful and healthy nails. Otherwise, problems with brittle and cracked skin can quickly arise. We have put together a brief overview of the most important manicure utensils:

- Manicure bowl or normal bowl with lukewarm water

- Rosewood sticks

- Cuticle remover

- Cuticle nippers and cuticle scissors

- Nail care oil and hand cream

Visit our well-stocked online store now. At emmi®NAIL you will find professional nail tools and everything to do with artificial fingernails and nail design. Of course, there are also matching instructions and videos. Browse through the latest nail design trends and be inspired. Purchase on account and next working day delivery are a matter of course for us. We look forward to seeing you!