Successful at the trade fair

Have you found a suitable trade fair date and booked your trade fair tickets? Then it's best to think about how you're going to get to the trade fair in good time. Whether by bus, train, car or plane - it's always best to check the organizer's website to see what options are available and what suits you best. Here you will find all the information you need about parking garages, stops and other travel options.

1. Plan your journey

Have you found a suitable trade fair date and booked your trade fair tickets? Then it's best to think about how you will get to the trade fair in good time. Whether by bus, train, car or plane - it's always best to check the organizer's website to see what options are available and what suits you best. Here you will find all the information you need about parking garages, stops and other travel options.

If you are traveling by car, write down the exact address for your navigation system. Sometimes the exhibition management can be found directly in the city and the exhibition hall has a completely different address. Of course, you will need a parking space for your car. If you decide on a parking garage nearby, find out exactly how much it costs to park there on the day of the fair. Especially on trade fair days, a higher rate is often charged.

If you are traveling by train, remember that the exhibition grounds are often a short walk from the final stop at the station. The streetcar or bus does not always run right to the door. To ensure that your schedule is not thrown off, plan enough of a buffer for the journey.
If you are traveling further, you can also fly to the trade fair. Find the best connection to the trade fair and reserve your seat on the connecting train in good time.

Every means of transportation has its advantages and disadvantages: By car, you are independent and have enough space in the trunk to store your purchases. After a day at the trade fair, however, you are often pretty exhausted and just want to rest. Then it's very pleasant to have the train take you home and not have to concentrate on the journey. If you are meeting up with friends, find a meeting point that is easy to find and well signposted, for example the main entrance to the trade fair or a specific stop. An exhibition center is often very large and if you have to look for each other, it costs time and, above all, energy.

2. Put together your own personal day at the fair

A visit to a trade fair often involves long walks. Some events even extend over several exhibition halls. It is therefore very important to plan well in advance so that you can visit everything that interests you and save yourself unnecessary walking. Why not write to our customer service team and make an appointment with a member of staff. They will then have enough time to give you detailed advice at the trade fair.

  • Take a close look at the exhibitor list in advance. Which manufacturers do you definitely want to visit?
  • Are there any interesting congresses, workshops, stage shows or championships taking place at a fixed time?
  • If possible, download a trade fair plan .
  • Mark on the map where the parking garage or the bus stop is and the quickest way to get to the entrance from there.
  • Don't forget the toilets and the catering area so that you know where you can take a break if the worst comes to the worst.

You can always find tips on preparing for the trade fair on the trade fair portals of the individual organizers. After all, nobody wants to miss the most important dates or program items in the hustle and bustle of the trade fair. The entrance fee is simply too good to waste and the journey is usually quite time-consuming. Make the most of your day with your personal trade fair plan.

3. Put on something comfortable

There is no specific dress code at most trade fairs. But maybe you're meeting a business partner or customer or want to apply for a partnership with your favorite manufacturer? A well-groomed appearance is never a bad thing. But your outfit should also be comfortable enough for the trip and the trade fair visit:

  • well-groomed appearance, nails possibly freshly modeled
  • comfortable shoes for long distances
  • Onion look for cool or stuffy exhibition halls
  • leave bulky accessories at home

Insider tip: trolley

You can either like it or not. If you have a lot to carry and don't want to strain your back, a trolley can be a good alternative to a carrier bag. It is easy to pull on wheels and offers space for your trade fair purchases.

It is almost an icon, especially at nail and beauty fairs. But please be careful not to run into or over each other's feet. Even after a long day at the fair: be nice to each other...

Video from emmi®-Day 2019

Handbag theft

A tiresome topic but unfortunately always important. Watch your bags and purses. Many visitors like to pay with cash at the trade fair. Pickpockets know this too. So here are a few tips to prevent theft:

Always carry money, credit cards, papers and other valuables close to your body and use closed inside pockets
Carry handbags and shoulder bags with the clasp towards your body and in front of your stomach
Always carry hand luggage close to your body
Never leave valuables in jackets hanging on coat racks or over chair backs

4. charge the battery, pack a power bank, delete the memory card

You might not think about it at first, but imagine you want to call someone you have an appointment with at the trade fair. Then your battery should be charged. Even if you want to share your visit to the trade fair on social media or take some great ideas home with you, you should also think about a few things:

  • Charge your smartphone, tablet or camera at home
  • Pack a charging cable
  • Prepare a memory card for photos from championships or at the trade fair stand
  • Is Wi-Fi available on the exhibition grounds or will I have to make do with my data volume?

5. Food and drink

Even or especially if you have a lot of appointments and stands to work through, your body needs enough energy. Even on stressful days, you should eat and, above all, drink enough. Exhibition halls are usually air-conditioned and therefore have quite dry air. Experience has shown that catering at trade fairs is quite expensive. However, having a coffee or a small snack together is also quite sociable and can enrich your day at the fair. But you should definitely pack this:

  • Drinking bottle for the journey and for the first few meters of the fair until something else has been found
  • small snack for on the go, possibly energy bars that are light in weight but still keep you full for a long time
  • Chewing gum/candy against a dry throat

6. small reward at the end

Extend your trip and treat yourself to an overnight stay. Take a little detour into the city and enjoy the time. Düsseldorf, Berlin, Munich or Wiesbaden are always worth a visit and offer a great contrast to the hustle and bustle of the trade fair with their gastronomy and cultural attractions. Go out for a fancy meal or take a city tour the next day - you're sure to think of something.

7. Follow-up

After the trade fair, it is best to go through your notes again, as they are still fresh in your mind. Even if you might have heavy legs and a thick head the next day from all the impressions, you should plan some follow-up work. In the nail salon or beauty studio, it's best to take the day off or make as few appointments as possible so that you still have enough time for post-processing. After all, a trade fair is like a small business meeting and should be correspondingly important.

  • Are there any products you still have questions about?
  • Have you perhaps placed an order or paid a deposit?
  • Perhaps there is still a post-fair discount in the online store?
  • Are there any new trends that you would like to offer your customers?
  • Share your trade fair visit on social media
  • Sort your business cards and meeting notes

Checklist for the trade fair:

  • Pay attention to special features at the trade fair (appointments/events, reserving a parking space, wide area)
  • Think about what you want to take with you (business cards, tablet, your own samples, etc.)
  • Pay attention to your clothing and footwear (comfortable, yet stylish, spare clothes)
  • Prepare well (journey, dates, trade fair plan, exhibitor list, possibly overnight stay)

And this goes in the bag:

  • Blister plasters
  • Cooling gel for tired feet
  • Headache tablets
  • Nasal spray with seawater (against dry air in exhibition halls)
  • Lip care
  • Deodorant
  • Gel insoles for shoes
  • Small emergency sewing kit
  • Muesli bar
  • Fresh fruit
  • Peppermint candies
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Business cards
  • Tablet
  • Registration documents
  • Hall plan
  • Company documents (evaluations, sales figures, etc.)
  • Drinks/snacksComfortable change of shoes