Emmi-Nail color gel organizing system

SKU: 16304
Incl. 19% VAT
Emmi-Nail color gel organizing system
Trong kho
sofort lieferbar
for 24 jars with max. Ø 35mm
with foam insert
Dimensions: 26 x 18.5 x 3 cm
Color: white
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Mô tả

Organization system / display for UV gels and color gels

The Emmi-Nail color gel organizer system offers space for 24 jars with a maximum diameter of 35mm. With this great display you can finally bring order to your color gel collection. It is therefore ideal for our Emmi-Nail Color gels and our 5ml Studioline jars. The soft foam insert protects the gels from leaking.

for 24 jars with max. Ø 35mm
with foam insert
Dimensions: 26 x 18.5 x 3 cm
Color: white

*The color gels are not included.

Thêm thông tin

Size 5ml

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